On the one hand, such a great demand undoubtedly brings a substantial advantage because WordPress attracts more and more users thanks to its flexibility and ease of use. On the other hand, this tendency also poses some risks: the more typical websites appear within the global web, the harder it’s to stay unique. Nevertheless, how is it possible to overcome this issue?

The answer is pretty simple – choose a custom WordPress development company and get a state-of-the-art solution to impress your customers. Interested? Then stay with us, read on, and find out how our WordPress web development methodology may transform your website idea into a competitive advantage in the market!

Why WordPress Is a Great Choice with Immense Potential

While there are billions of websites on the Internet, WordPress takes a significant part of them, and that’s for a good reason – it’s used by 40% of all websites.

Thus, WordPress is ranked first in the top 10 content management systems (CMS). But why is this CMS so popular? Let’s discover together!

1. Vast Customization Capabilities

The modern competitive environment motivates companies to produce unique content, and custom WordPress development undoubtedly makes it possible. Smart Tek also has a team of skilled and experienced web developers who can create compelling websites tailored to customers’ needs. Here we gathered some of Our Custom WordPress Development Services:

Custom Programming & Design

Are you looking for a one-of-a-kind website design? We have an exceptional team of WordPress front-end developers to satisfy this request. Talented, creative, and ambitious – our developers combine all of these features to think outside the box. Thanks to our custom programming services, we leverage our creative vision to enrich your future website with a stunning UI and UX.

WordPress Development Services

Supercharge your business with a crisp WordPress solution that reflects your vision and streamlines your workflows.

Let’s discuss

By optimizing the latest WordPress updates, our team of developers helps you customize websites with regard to your business needs. Our Customization Services include:

Theme Customization

In a nutshell, themes provide a basic structure of your website appearance. Our WordPress website development company can both customize your existing themes or create new ones by writing HTML/CSS on WordPress.

WordPress Code Customization

Although WordPress code customization in the core files, posts, and pages is not an easy task, our experts will help you edit your website without breaking its whole structure during WordPress version updates.

Plugin Customization

In most cases, there’s no need to create plugins from scratch because WordPress allows developers to use the core functionality of its standard plugins and expand it to meet customers’ specific criteria. Hence, we can both customize existing plugins or create new ones from scratch.

Widgets & Menus Customization

Due to the customization of WordPress widget-ready areas, it is possible to upgrade menus with custom site navigation, drop-down menus, etc.

2. High Speed

Nowadays, no one wants to use slow websites, and that’s for a good reason. Slow website functionality not only discourages users from visiting and exploring web pages but also negatively affects the analytics of Google and other search engine algorithms. Does WordPress have any speed issues?

Definitely yes, as one of the most common causes for slowdowns in WordPress is redundant and overlying code. The lack of proper theme optimization, multiple plugins layers – all of these aspects slow WordPress performance.

Luckily, with SmartTek, you have nothing to worry about. Thanks to streamlined plugins and reduced codes, we ensure quick website load time. We consistently implement page speed testing and minimize plugin use to make your websites fast.

3. Friendly to Search Engines

Let’s explain this feature with a representative example. Suppose you are surfing the Internet for a particular search term. After some research, you realize that there is a substantial number of WordPress-powered websites being listed on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). You may be wondering why it works this way. And we are glad to explain this to you!

WordPress codes (well-written ones) are typically clean and simple. Hence, they can be easily indexed by search engines. Another key thing to remember is that developers can add meta tags, titles, and descriptions on every page, text, image, video, and post. By doing this, it’s possible to make content, as well as the whole website page, more search-friendly.

4. Highly Scalable

Scalability is a necessity for any website’s vendor. As far as businesses always strive to work on websites that display services to their customers seamlessly, WordPress is a great CMS that meets this requirement.

Without any doubt, the scalability of WordPress-based sites is considered one of the most remarkable features of this CMS. As your business grows and expands, you can adjust your website to this development process by adding new pages and functionalities without compromising the performance.

5. Built-In Blog

Nowadays, blogs are considered to be a great way to promote any products or services, so businesses often use blogs to engage a broader audience. Taking this tendency into consideration, WordPress was initially created as a blogging platform that provides vast capabilities in terms of making blogs.

WordPress has built-in and easy-to-integrate blog options. WordPress admins can set up email subscriptions to the blog, add commenting options, and configure automatic blog posts updates. With such an easy setup, WordPress blogs allow users to extend their company’s reach by making sites more interactive and dynamic.

Custom WordPress Plugin From A to Z

As we have mentioned earlier, WordPress provides a wide variety of free and paid plugins. Nevertheless, in some cases, it is necessary to create plugins from scratch. By the way, why are plugins so essential for WordPress, what functionalities do they provide, and how do we create them from scratch? Let’s take a closer look at each of these topics.

Why Plugins Are a Necessity

To start with, plugins enrich a typical WordPress core with additional functionalities. From optimizing your site for search engines to improving user experience – you can add all these enhancements thanks to plugins. Of course, theoretically, you can run a website only with a theme and nothing else. However, a site with limited functionality definitely isn’t the best option for businesses. Discover the list of the most popular WordPress plugins in 2021:

WordPress Plugins Classification

There is a multitude of plugins adjusted to diverse tasks, so it is hard to mention all of them in one article. For this reason, we have classified them into several categories according to the extra functionalities they add to your website.

Taking this infographic into account, you may ask why it is still necessary to create plugins from scratch. After all, with more than 54,000 free WordPress plugins, everyone can find something suitable, right? From the perspective of beginners or people who aren’t interested in upgrading their websites in the future, this statement makes sense. Yet if you want to get a website that perfectly fits your business needs, there is no better choice than creating plugins from scratch.

Why Create Plugins from Scratch?

There is no doubt that you can easily find the desired option among free or paid plugins if you are looking for specific functionality. Nonetheless, don’t hurry with the conclusion because this plugin may not be compatible with your WordPress theme. Functionality is essential, but compatibility is everything. In such cases, it is necessary to create a clean-code plugin that works for you.

Our WordPress Plugin Development Process

1. The Plugin Folder and File

First of all, the development process starts from creating a folder in the wp-content/plugins directory. Inside this folder, we create a PHP file for your future plugin and then move to the next development step.

2. Adding Functionality

Now it is time to add functions to the plugin. At this phase, we focus on your requirements to add braces that will contain the code.

3. Stylesheets and Scripts

We create stylesheets and scripts as separate files in the plugin folder. This step enables us to improve the functionality, features, and design of a plugin.

4. The New Admin Page

After all, it is necessary to create a new admin page to be displayed when the admin control panel link is opened. Once the page is created, we go to the admin control panel navigation menu and activate the plugin.

WordPress Users and Target Audience: Who Are They?

It’s not a secret that the global web gathers diverse users from all over the world, so interracial, intergenerational, and intergender boundaries continually lose their significance. The same tendency works for WordPress; that’s why the range of its users is extremely wide. Both large and small businesses, bloggers, organizations, brands, corporations, or even individual users – everyone can utilize WordPress for their specific purposes.

As the following statistic shows, WordPress is no longer a blogging-oriented platform because it has already transformed into a CMS suitable for any content.

Looking beyond such a vast scope of possible applications, most people are wondering concerning the target audience of WordPress. By knowing their readers, companies can generate audience-focused content and reach better results. It is essential to remember that the target audience of your WordPress-powered website depends on your business’s target audience. Whether you are selling goods or promoting your company’s services, you should always customize your WordPress site with regard to your potential clients.

Why Our Custom WordPress Development Company?

10+ Years of Custom WordPress Development Experience

For over a decade, we were delivering custom WordPress services for diverse business verticals. With such vast experience, our company has proven expertise and knowledge to serve unique customers’ needs. We perceive each new project as an opportunity for development. That is why continuous growth is one of our key strengths.

We Can Create Anything for Everyone

Whether you need a simple website for your personal blog or dream about an online store to sell your products, our WordPress website development company can satisfy any request. All in all, the only limit is your imagination!

A Mixture of Creativity & Skills

The modern web contains billions of pages, so it may be hard to impress someone with interesting designs. Fortunately, our team of WordPress developers combines their expertise with creativity to create one-of-a-kind websites tailored to your needs.

In Conclusion

Is WordPress the future of web design? Well, it is impossible to answer for sure. On the one hand, it is hard to make direct predictions as we live in an age of unpredictable changes and twists. On the other hand, our research shows that WordPress has great potential, and its multiple benefits, such as speed, built-in blog, scalability, search friendliness, and vast customization capabilities, undoubtedly prove this fact.

To sum up, we hope this article helped you understand the basics of WordPress web development methodology, while our expertise convinced you to work with us. In any case, we are here to help, so don’t hesitate and start your digital journey with your steady WordPress development partner right now!

Andriy Nayda
Andriy Nayda Head of Web & Mobile Department at SmartTek Solutions