Web apps are essential means for any business since they let companies empower their employees, interact with their customers effortlessly, and make their services accessible to a vast audience.

If you want your business to go digital, web app development will be a good investment for your company. So, let’s take a closer look at how a web application works and what benefits you can get from having it developed.

What is a Web-based Application? A Brief Explanation

Simply put, a web app is any software with code stored and executed on a remote server and accessed by users through any browser.

How a Web Application Works
How a Web Application Works

A web app has a crucial advantage over a mobile app as you do not have to install it from a store service (App Store or Google Play). If you decide to use it, any browser will suffice.

A website differs from a web app in being mostly a set of pages with static content, while a web app can perform more complex tasks like data storage, processing, and sending.

What Can a Web-based Application Do for Your Business? Real-world Examples

Businesses primarily use web apps as a tool designed to solve application tasks crucial for the companies’ efficient operations. Consequently, a web app can be either relatively simple (like a service price calculator) or represent an elaborate complex solution designed to assist businesses in managing various business aspects (CRM or ERP), depending on the goals set before or during the development process.

Check some web app examples that focus on just a single task:

  • To-Do List. An application where users can create and manage their tasks and check them off as they are completed.
  • Password Generator. A tool that generates random, secure passwords for users.
  • BMI Calculator. A simple web-application that calculates the Body Mass Index (BMI) based on the user’s weight and height.
  • Currency Converter. This app converts between different currencies using up-to-date exchange rates.
  • QR Code Generator. Creates QR codes for text, URLs, or contact information.
Mortgage calculator web application on Bankrate.com
Mortgage calculator web application on Bankrate.com

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Next, we provide some examples of more complex web apps that work with a wide variety of data sources and can solve a whole range of tasks:

  • Online marketplace. A complex platform that connects buyers and sellers, allowing users to list products, negotiate prices, process payments, and manage orders and inventory.
  • Project Management System. A Web-based application that helps teams collaborate on projects, manage tasks, assign responsibilities, track progress, and communicate effectively.
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) system: A Web-based application that helps organizations manage and track interactions with customers, including sales leads, customer support, and marketing campaigns.
  • Collaborative document editing. Enables users to collaborate in real-time to create and edit documents such as text documents, spreadsheets, or presentations.
  • Fleet Management System. A Web-based solution that helps companies track and manage their fleets, including monitoring vehicle locations, maintenance schedules, fuel consumption, and driver assignments.

Thus, web app development cost and duration depend on product complexity and the range of tasks the software is meant to solve.

CRM module of Odoo web application
CRM module of Odoo web application

7 Key Benefits of Web Applications for Business

Web app development and integration offer companies several advantages that can become substantial pro-arguments towards investing in this direction. Let us take a closer look at some of them.

1. 24/7 Accessibility

To interact with your web app, all users need is a PC, laptop, or smartphone with internet access. For instance, visitors to an online store can place orders on its website at any time without being dependent on the sales assistants’ schedules, as is the typical case with offline trade.

Using such a tool as a web-based application, you can forget about geographical restrictions and make your business truly global. Besides, this approach gives you access to SEO optimization potentials and multifold digital marketing possibilities.

2. Cost-Effective Development

Unlike mobile development, you do not have to order multiple versions for different platforms when developing a web app. Users interact with your product via a single interface for all devices, like a web browser. This feature significantly speeds up development and reduces its cost.

3. Ease of Access to Your Business Data

The data users exchange with the web app is stored on a remote server (cloud storage), which certain people can access at any time and from any device with Internet access. The data is available in real-time mode, and several users can request it simultaneously.

Additionally, the risk of data loss due to hardware failures is reduced as data is securely stored in cloud storage and backed up.

Business Data in the Cloud Storage
Business Data in the Cloud Storage

4. Enhanced Productivity & Collaboration

Web-based apps, such as CRM and ERP systems, bring together all the company’s departments and allow them to exchange data. The data is easy to find or check, and it is no longer necessary to meet in person to exchange or verify it.

Moreover, you can take project management to a new level, as your web app will allow you to delegate tasks and track their progress effortlessly.

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5. Web-based Apps Streamline Your Processes

Software systems organized as web applications let you automate numerous manual processes, increase employee productivity, and reduce expenses.

Users can access data in real-time mode or as data dashboards to accelerate decision-making and enhance decision quality. This approach can ensure a significant competitive advantage for any business.

Web-based HRM system
Web-based HR management system, image by Dibbendo Pranto

6. Web-based Apps are Easy to Maintain and Update

Any changes you make to your server-side application are almost immediately available to users. New app versions do not undergo any third-party moderation, as is the case with mobile applications for iOS/Android.

Furthermore, even if you completely replace the software code on the server, end users may not even notice it. It is much easier to update, maintain, and expand web apps than any other type of software.

7. Web App is Highly Scalable

Business web apps provide one more essential advantage — they are highly flexible in terms of scalability. If you have to connect more employees, all it takes is a bit more server resources, and that is easily achievable.

As your business grows and reshapes, the software utilized by your company must keep abreast of the times. That is when such web apps provide more benefits: you can easily and quickly make any changes, integrate third-party APIs, and use other valuable features.

Summing Up

As you see, web app operational concepts are simple to understand. If you develop such a product to meet your business needs, you will eventually have numerous advantages. If you are considering investing in this direction, we hope our article will help you make the correct decision.

Planning to expand your business online? We provide full-cycle web application development services and translate your ideas into intelligent and powerful web solutions. Contact us and let’s discuss the details!

Andrii Sydoruk
Andrii Sydoruk CEO, Managing Partner at SmartTek Solutions