What do you need today to promote your product or service online? Right! A stunning website makes a world of difference. But how do you create one without learning to code? Is it even possible? 

Actually, it is. We recommend that you use Odoo’s easy-to-use website builder. It is the perfect solution for small business owners, marketers, or just someone who wants to build a standalone website. 

The latest version of the Odoo Website Builder module has a cleaner interface and many advanced features. Users also get an improved anchor system, new snippets (table of contents, product catalog, dynamic snippets, etc.), integrated marketing tools, and much more.

Let’s dive deeper and talk about it in detail!

Main Features of Odoo Website Builder

The main advantage of Odoo’s Website Builder is its modular configuration. What does that mean? You can choose precisely those functions that you need at the moment. Later, you can add new modules and constantly improve your site. 

Below, we will consider the system’s basic features that you can use when building your online resource.

Mobile Friendliness

Recall how often you use your mobile device to find information or to buy goods. Now, think about your client. Be sure that your site looks great and functions perfectly on any device. With Odoo, you don’t have to worry about designing separate versions for different devices. It adjusts automatically.

Drag-and-Drop Interface

The admin panel has a simple drag-and-drop interface, so even if you have never created a site before, this task will not be rocket science for you. The whole process is as simple as possible. First, you should select the desired elements. Then, drag them to your desired location and drop them into place. That’s it. 

Drag-n-drop interface in Odoo website builder

Customizable Templates and Themes

With Odoo Website Builder, you can access various customizable templates and themes. Choose a template that fits your style and modify it to match your brand identity. Adjust colors, fonts, and layout. This system gives you the flexibility needed to create a site that stands out.

Build Website With Odoo

Want to build your own website? Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your business needs.

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Blog Articles

It’s hard to disagree that blogging is a powerful way to drive traffic to a website. You can easily create and manage blog content: publish articles, share news, and engage with your audience regularly. 

Search Engine Optimization Tools

Make your website easily discoverable by search engines to drive organic traffic and attract more visitors. Set customizable meta tags, keywords, URLs, sitemaps, and SEO-friendly URLs. Optimize your content and enhance the chance of your web page being ranked higher.

SEO features in Odoo Website Builder

Smart Marketing Tools

It is equally important to enhance customer engagement and boost conversions. For achieving this purpose Website Builder offers you features like A/B testing, link tracking, and call-to-action buttons. Understand better what works best for your audience in order to turn visitors into loyal customers.

Pop-Up Chat Window

Real-time communication with your site visitors can be organized in the most effective way. A pop-up chat window feature can significantly improve user satisfaction and increase conversion rates. Provide your visitors with instant interaction, answer their questions, help in choosing items and so on.

E-commerce Integration

This feature is especially relevant for businesses selling products or services online. Within the same system, you can set up an online store, manage product listings, process payments, and handle shipping. 

Odoo website ecommerce integration
Odoo 17 eCommerce Management Features

Visitor Tracking Tools

You should have some insights into how visitors interact with your site. With this information, you can improve your efforts and make it more productive. Odoo’s visitor tracking tools are here to help. 

Monitor user behavior, track page views, and analyze visitor paths to understand what parts of your site are performing well and which areas might need improvement. 

Odoo Development & Consulting Services

Automate your complex business workflows and future-proof your business processes with Odoo.

Let’s talk

8 Good Reasons to Use Odoo to Build Your Website          

Now you know what Odoo Website Builder is and which features can be implemented. It’s time to talk about the advantages this system brings to your business. So why should you consider using Odoo for your website needs?

  • There is no need for expensive third-party plugins and extensive coding expertise.
  • You can start with the basics and add more features as your business grows
  • It is easy to build and customize a website, even if you don’t have any experience.
  • All websites built with Odoo are fully responsive.
  • Many enterprise-level features are in the community version.
  • Features for maintaining a web presence for businesses of any size are provided in the commercial version.
  • You can organize smooth collaboration and streamlined operations across different departments.
  • Manage product listings, payments, and shipping all within one platform.
Examples of websites built with Odoo
Some examples of websites built with Odoo, see more at Odoo.com

Compared to other similar platforms, Odoo’s Website Builder offers ample opportunities for comfortable and productive work. This system can be a great help for you in promoting your business online. Try it and see.

Some Disadvantages of the Odoo Website Builder

 We don’t want to be subjective, so we’ll also mention potential drawbacks. For example, the basic version is affordable enough. Hard to call that a drawback, right? However, access to advanced features and modules can be costly, especially if you are on a tight budget.

The next point is relevant for new users. They may find the platform overwhelming due to its wide range of features and customization options. To make your life easier, you can use the services of experts who specialize in website development. 

This option is more expensive, but it allows you to spend time on more important strategic tasks than learning the platform.


As you can see, Odoo Website Builder is an excellent solution for your business, regardless of its specifics and size. Let our team build your website. Our in-house experts create custom website themes that are fully integrated with all Odoo applications. We are here to answer your questions!

Ivan Nordgaimer
Ivan Nordgaimer CBDO, Managing Partner at SmartTek Solutions