In the dynamic and competitive real estate industry, efficiency and streamlined operations are critical to success. Real estate companies face unique challenges, including managing property listings, tracking customer interactions, handling financial transactions, and overseeing ongoing projects. And if you own such a business, you need help to stay ahead of your competitors.

Odoo is an all-in-one management software that offers a comprehensive solution tailored to meet the diverse needs of real estate companies. This versatile platform streamlines operations by integrating multiple real estate business functions – from sales and CRM to finance and project management – into one simple, easy-to-use system.

Odoo ERP Apps for Real Estate Companies

Odoo ERP offers a suite of applications ideal for real estate companies, allowing them to efficiently manage various facets of their business. Key apps in this suite include CRM, Sales, Projects, Contacts, Invoicing, and Website. Each offers unique features and functionalities tailored to the needs of the real estate sector.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Odoo’s CRM app helps real estate companies manage leads, track interactions, and maintain customer relationships effectively. It allows for segmenting contacts based on various criteria, ensuring targeted communication.

Let’s look at the example. A real estate agent can use the CRM app to track interactions with potential buyers, noting their preferences and budget. This information helps provide personalized property suggestions and follow-ups. The chances of closing deals become higher.

Odoo as CRM for real-estate company
Odoo 17 CRM module


This app streamlines the sales process from property listings to closing deals. It includes features for managing quotations, sales orders, and contracts. For instance, the Sales app can be used to create and send detailed proposals for commercial property leases, including terms and conditions, and track the progress of these proposals until they are finalized.

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The Projects app is designed to manage real estate projects, from construction to renovation. It includes task management, scheduling, and progress tracking. If you own a property development firm, you can use the Projects app to oversee a new residential building project. 

Projects management in real estate company
What the Project module looks like in Odoo


This app maintains a centralized database of clients, suppliers, and other contacts. It’s integrated with additional apps for seamless access to contact information across the platform. Contacts are used to keep a record of all clients, including past buyers, current tenants, and potential leads. This database can be utilized for targeted marketing campaigns and regular communication.


Odoo’s Invoicing app simplifies creating and sending invoices, managing payments, and tracking expenses. Using the app, you can generate monthly rental invoices for tenants, manage receipts, and track overdue payments, ensuring efficient financial management.


The Website app allows the creation of a user-friendly, SEO-optimized website. A real estate company can use the Website app to build an interactive site where users can view property listings with details and images, schedule viewings, and contact the agency for more information.

Website Builder module in Odoo
Odoo Website Builder module

Third-party Modules for Selling, Renting, and Managing Properties

Third-party modules can significantly enhance the functionality of real estate management systems, offering specialized features for selling, renting, and managing properties. You can find them in the Odoo Apps Store. Let’s talk about the most popular and efficient ones.

Real Estate by Odoo S.A. 

This module, developed by Odoo S.A., focuses on simplifying the management of real estate portfolios. It offers features for listing properties, tracking sales and rental agreements, and managing customer interactions. The app includes tools for creating detailed property listings, scheduling viewings, and managing offers.

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Property Sale, Lease, and Rental Management App by Edge Technologies 

This app is tailored for managing properties’ sales, leases, and rentals. It is designed to handle various real estate transactions and property management aspects. The module provides functionalities for payment tracking, maintenance requests, and tenant management, providing a comprehensive property management solution.

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Advanced Property Sale & Rental Management by TechKhedut Inc.

The module was designed for real estate companies looking for a robust system to handle complex property transactions and management. The module also includes features for managing property maintenance expenses and generating detailed reports, making it a versatile tool for real estate businesses.

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Benefits of Using ERP Software in Real Estate Companies

Using ERP software like Odoo in real estate companies brings many advantages that streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and drive growth. We have highlighted only the main benefits your business can get from using such software.

  • Centralizing various business functions. 
  • Reducing the complexity and inefficiencies of using multiple disparate systems.
  • Improving data management and accessibility.
  • Tracking client needs, preferences, and communication histories.
  • Managing property listings, leases, and maintening schedules more efficiently.
  • Fostering better collaboration and communication within the company.
  • Maintaining financial health and compliance.
  • Making more informed financial decisions.
Odoo ERP as a software solution for real estate companies

As real estate companies grow, ERP software can scale to accommodate new business processes, additional properties, and increased data volume. This scalability ensures that the software remains valid and effective as the company’s needs evolve.


ERP software provides real estate companies with a multifunctional, integrated solution that covers various aspects of their business, from property and customer relationship management to financial operations and marketing. This integration leads to improved efficiency, better decision-making, and enhanced ability to scale operations, positioning these companies for growth and success in a competitive market.

Trust the software implementation to our experts and your business will benefit more and more from Odoo. Contact us and let’s discuss the details!

Alex Azariyev
Alex Azariyev Head of ERP Department at SmartTek Solutions.