Today, the hotel business reaches a new level with new rules and requirements. Innovative technologies make significant adjustments to almost all workflows. If your company in 2024 uses Excel spreadsheets or similar tools to organize different business processes, stop it. There is a way better solution. 

Do you want to run your operations more efficiently to meet the ever-changing demands of your guests while maintaining profitability? An Odoo-based hotel management system is exactly what you need. 

This software manages all aspects of hotel processes, from front office tasks such as reservations, guest check-in/out, room allocation and rate management, billing and beyond. 

Why Is a Hotel Management System Important? 7 Key Business Benefits

How often do your employees make mistakes in the reservation process? Have your guests ever had to wait several hours for their room to become available? Admit it, it happens. 

Such situations negatively affect the customer experience and their willingness to return or recommend your hotel to friends. But these are not the only reasons why a hotel management system is necessary for business.

  • Save Time and Money. Hotel management software reduces the time staff spend on administrative duties. Additionally, the efficiency gained through automation helps lower operational costs by minimizing the need for manual labor and reducing the likelihood of costly errors.
  • Strengthen Communication with Guests. Improve communication with visitors. How? Through automated confirmations, reminders, and personalized communication. Don’t miss opportunities to upsell services and gather feedback. As a result, you’ll get high service quality and guest satisfaction.
Advantages of using hotel management system
  • Prevent Manual Errors. Overbookings and incorrect billing are typical mistakes made during manual data entry. Such issues negatively impact the guest experience and the hotel’s reputation. By automating data entry with HMS, you can be sure that information is accurately and consistently recorded across all departments.
  • Optimize Revenue Management. Are you sure your room pricing and promotions are beneficial? With HMS, you’ll have no doubts. The software provides insights into booking trends, room occupancy rates, and revenue streams. Using this information, you can optimize pricing strategies based on demand.
  • Improve Bookings. Your guests can book rooms with just a few clicks. With Odoo, the hotel reservation process is more straightforward and engaging. Additionally, features like rate parity and real-time availability updates help attract more bookings. Your potential guests always have the best possible offers.
  • Get Accurate Reports. With hotel management software, you can gather invaluable insights for making the right decisions. For example, guest feedback analysis, operational efficiency summary, or financial performance reports help adjust business development strategy. 

Ready to streamline your business with Odoo?

Benefit from our 7+ years of global Odoo implementation expertise and extensive domain experience.

Let’s talk

Main Odoo ERP Features for Hotel Management

With a modular HMS based on Odoo ERP, you can improve every work process in your hotel. You choose the set of functions that are necessary for the effective functioning of your business. Let’s have a look at the most important ones.

Booking Management System 

Transform the traditional complexities of hotel bookings into a streamlined and error-free process. Get rid of duplicates, overbookings, unrecorded cancellations, and other issues like this. The Odoo hotel booking management system automates communication with customers, covering everything from making reservations to check-out.

Booking module on hotel website
Room booking process in Odoo
Image source:

Customer Relationship Management 

Guest relations are essential in your business. Take it to another level with Odoo. CRM module specializes in converting website visitors into leads. Moreover, the system makes follow-up on each lead and provides advanced reporting functions. 

Human Resources Management 

This feature can simplify various HR tasks, starting with online and offline recruitment processes and ending with salary structure definition. Now, you can easily reach operational harmony by managing staff attendance, time-offs, vacation schedules, etc. 

Hotel staff management in Odoo
Recruitment and vacancy management in Odoo

Room Service Management 

RSM is responsible for flawless data collection methods and staff management protocols. With his feature, you get real-time monitoring and documentation of room service operations. As a result, staff workflow is more accurate and efficient. 

Room housekeeping management
Housekeeping activity planning in Odoo

Finance Management 

Managing the financial elements of hotel operations has never been easier. The system adeptly handles vendor bills and payments. Your hotel can accept different currencies and work with an international clientele. You have an opportunity to integrate multiple payment terminals for guests’ convenience. 

Hotel guest invoice management
Invoice & Folio created on Arrival of Guest, image source:

Odoo Development & Consulting Services

Automate your complex business workflows and future-proof your enterprise processes with Odoo.

Let’s talk

Extend your Odoo Hotel PMS Value Through Integrations

Not all the features of the system are described above. An important advantage of Odoo as a hotel management software is that it consists of different modules that you can add or delete depending on the specifics of your business. Just choose what you need (Odoo App Store). 

Hotel management apps in Odoo App Store

For example, if you have restaurants in a hotel, implement the Restaurant management system and Kitchen order ticket generation. 

How Can SmartTek Solutions Help?

Despite the advantages of Odoo as a hotel management system, implementing the system requires a complex and well thought out approach. If you don’t know where to start, don’t worry. We are here to help you. Our company has the years of experience, expertise and knowledge required to develop and customize software specifically for your hotel business.

Don’t miss the opportunity to make your hospitality business as successful as possible. Let’s start working on your hotel management system today, and you’ll be ahead of the competition tomorrow.

Alex Azariyev
Alex Azariyev Head of ERP Department at SmartTek Solutions.