Augmented reality has become a long-awaited innovation in the work of architects and designers, allowing them to transfer their projects and drawings from a static 2D space to a dynamic 3D model. 

Virtual reality (VR) simulates a stand-alone world. To interact with it, users need special equipment that transmits human movements and affects their senses. A VR helmet or glasses are the most common. 

Augmented Reality (AR) is easier to work with. It is the real world augmented by virtual elements that “extend” or “enrich” it. With AR, the user can use their mobile device to overlay the real world with virtual elements.

Even such hard things as changes to the interior become engaging and exciting to do using this technology: when used in the interior design area, AR allows designers to try new furniture in the living room, find out the size of the room, or see how posters will look on the walls. 

Let us read about key benefits of using Augmented Reality in interior design from both customers’ and contractors’ perspective. 

Quick Stats:

  • As per recent data, by 2024 there will be an estimated 1.7 billion mobile augmented reality (AR) user devices worldwide, a rise of 1.5 billion from the 200 million seen in 2015 – (Statista). 
  • The AR & VR market is predicted to double between 2022 and 2027 – (Statista) 
  • Customers are more likely to purchase products from a company that offers an immersive AR experience – (Snap). 
  • Research from Invesp, the conversion rate experts, found 77% of customers say they want augmented reality experiences to help them sort through product colors and style differences. 
  • According to an ARRIS Composites report, 70 percent of US residents believe AR will soon become a part of everyday life. 
  • Immersion is the most common reason for using AR – (Vorhaus Advisors). 

1. Increased Customer Loyalty 

As customers are increasingly confident in their purchases, they have no doubts about the product chosen, as they had the opportunity both to examine its features and see it “live.” Consumers make purchase decisions faster, and such decisions become more deliberate and balanced. 

Consequently, users’ positive experience leads to their increased satisfaction and loyalty. Companies gain a higher average check, and the rate of repeat orders increases. 

2. Increased Sales 

Many people prefer to buy merchandise in physical stores just because they can see what the product they are interested in looks like in real life. The possibility to render a product using a tool like AR provides a similar experience. Moreover, the technology stimulates those buyers who are already accustomed to buying online as well.

The benefits of mobile augmented reality have garnered much attention in the tech world. As most users possess a smartphone capable of AR, there’s no necessity to invest in an expensive and cumbersome headset. Additionally, mobile devices are very portable and can be easily brought into any space. 

Number of mobile augmented reality (AR) active user devices worldwide from 2019 to 2024(in billions). Source: Statista

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3. Real-time Customization 

AR applications enable real-time customization of interior designs. Users can make instant changes to virtual elements such as furniture, colors, and room layouts and see the results immediately. This flexibility allows users to tailor the design to their preferences and experiment with different options before making a final decision. 

A homeowner planning a kitchen remodel can use AR to virtually try out different cabinet designs, countertop materials and tile patterns. They can adjust cabinet sizes and configurations, change color schemes, and instantly see how each change affects the overall look and functionality of the kitchen.

4. Decreased Merchandise Return Rate 

The merchandise return process entails excess costs for companies. Customers, in their turn, waste time preparing the required papers. Reducing the possibility of such circumstances is in the best interests of both parties — buyers and sellers. 

Using AR as an efficient tool for optimizing business processes, brands and companies reduce the merchandise return risks and avoid excess costs. 

5. Facilitated Communication 

When used, these technologies can definitely reduce the time required to coordinate the project with customers and facilitate communication while discussing details.  

AR provides the opportunity to learn more about the product and its possible customizations, and that allows consumers to get a deeper understanding of their potential purchase and increase their confidence in the decision made. 

6. Accelerated Work on Projects 

Having the possibility to look at the product before buying it, users are more confident and quick in making decisions about paying for the product.  

Sellers do not have to explain anything for a long time, as they can just show everything to customers. Therefore, while previously, discussing could have taken a week to clarify details necessary for decision making, just a few-hours talk may suffice now. 

Augmented Reality for interior design professionals

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7. Cost and Time Savings 

Using augmented reality can lead to significant cost and time savings in the interior design process. By using virtual prototypes and eliminating the need for physical mock-ups, designers and homeowners can save costs associated with materials, labor, and logistics. Additionally, the ability to quickly visualize and experiment with different design options reduces the time required for decision-making and revisions. 

An interior design agency can leverage AR technology to create virtual walkthroughs of different design concepts for a client’s office space. Instead of creating multiple physical mock-ups, which can be time-consuming and expensive, the client can virtually explore various design alternatives in a fraction of the time and cost. 

8. Competitive Advantage 

Harnessing the power of augmented reality, businesses can benefit from new marketing opportunities and gain a competitive edge. Even a small lead over competitors can mean a lot for a particular business in the modern market. 

People want to see new designs and furniture before buying, and get inspired to change their interior, and new technologies allow them to do it the easiest way possible. When it comes to interior design, AR can bring a vast improvement to user experience.If your competitors still feel reluctant to use this technology, it is not the reason for you to develop the same attitude. On the contrary, you should view these circumstances as an opportunity to become one of the first and get ahead of other players. 

Summing Up 

People want to see new designs and furniture before buying, and get inspired to change their interior, and new technologies allow them to do it the easiest way possible. When it comes to interior design, AR can bring a vast improvement to user experience.

Even though the technology appeared not so long ago and continues to develop, businesses can enjoy good prospects from using its capabilities when developing their mobile app or website.   

If you are looking for a trusted technology partner, we can help you develop compelling AR solutions to drive your business. Contact us and let’s discuss the details. 

Volodymyr Fedorychak
Volodymyr Fedorychak Head of Marketing at SmartTek Solutions