Since the very beginning, Odoo has been created as an ERP system for small and mid-cap businesses, and that approach defined the concept of product architecture. Therefore, Odoo ERP modular structure is among the essential features and, at the same time, its advantage. In other words, the system consists of many components, and any specific company can combine them depending on its business needs.

At the same time, companies can use the whole range of ready-made modules and applications available on the market, customize them or even develop individual solutions from scratch. This feature allows all parties to further customize the system to meet the unique needs of their specific business and unlock its full potential.

We will show you the difference between modules and apps in Odoo, when custom development is worth considering, what benefits you can get, and what you need to keep in mind to get good results.

What is the difference between modules and apps in Odoo?

Superficially, both elements may seem identical. Actually, they are not. So, to comprehend the system capabilities well enough, you have to see the difference between them:

  • Odoo modules are similar to building blocks — the ERP system’s fundamental components with the design to manage a company’s specific business activity, like accounting, HR, inventory, etc.
  • Odoo apps comprise a set of modules (which are easy to configure) designed to solve a single task, for example, buying or selling real estate.

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When Companies Need to Develop Custom Odoo Application or Module Customization?

By default, Odoo modules offer quite a wide range of options but require some customization to meet a specific company’s needs. If more capabilities than the basic ones are necessary, you will have to customize an available module or develop an Odoo app from scratch. Read about several circumstances under which this might be a good solution.

  1. Improve an existing product. None of the available software products is 100% perfect. This statement is equally true for Odoo. Therefore, even minor customization work can make a basic module or app better adapted to your needs.
  2. Implement additional functions. Even if an existing product satisfies you at 80%, those lacking 20% might be critical enough to make you further customize it.
  3. Adapt to a specific niche. That is the most frequent reason why companies order custom Odoo app development or module customization.
  4. Optimize business processes. Each company may practice alternative approaches to work and procedures requiring some software customization to ensure higher efficiency. Considering the fact, some businesses can afford investment in development, as it will pay off quickly.

What are the Key Benefits of Custom Odoo Module and App Development for Businesses?

Based on the above reasons why businesses invest in such work, we can highlight the corresponding advantages provided by customization and individual solution development:

  • Custom Odoo modules and apps take into account a specific customer company’s unique requirements, turning the software into an optimal tool by adapting to the company’s work processes and solving the required tasks.
  • By optimizing existing functionality and implementing new capabilities, you create a unique combination of tools and gain an advantage over your competitors.
  • Integration with third-party systems — to solve some tasks, you may need to exchange data with third-party services or websites via API. If this option is basically unavailable, you will add it through custom module or app modifications.
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Factors to Keep in Mind for a Better Customization Experience

If you want to get the best results from individual enhancements, here are some recommendations to help you:

  1. Set clear business requirements. What processes do you want to automate? What goals do you plan to achieve? Having a list of specific requirements, the development team can customize an existing module or application or develop a new one to fully meet your needs.
  2. Consider your niche specifics. Odoo has more ready-made modules and apps for some business areas than others. Some companies can utilize ready-made components as is, while others will always need additional customization.
  3. Determine the available budget. When it comes to Odoo module or app customization or development from scratch, financial and time constraints can mean a lot. Therefore, you should assess what resources are available to you.

Companies rarely employ the necessary Odoo developers with sufficient expertise. Therefore, with a ready list of requirements, you will win twice if you outsource custom development.

How SmartTek Solutions Can Help

Odoo is a powerful software solution that you can flexibly customize to meet your business goals. At SmartTek Solutions, we have accumulated extensive experience in Odoo development and customization for clients operating in different business sectors and located in different countries. Therefore, we can guarantee that you will get the results you need while working with us.

It does not matter if you want to improve an existing application, add new features or develop a component from scratch. We are ready to be your trusted technology partner in both cases. 

Contact us and let us discuss the details!

Alex Azariyev
Alex Azariyev Head of ERP Department at SmartTek Solutions.