If you’ve ever had to manage hospital inventory, you know how difficult it can be. Traditional methods involve performing various routine tasks manually, which often leads to errors. When it comes to pharmaceuticals, expensive implants and medical equipment, any inaccuracy can lead to serious problems. Is there a way to avoid this?

Think about hospital inventory management system implementation. It is developed to manage the procurement, storage, distribution, and tracking of medical supplies, equipment, and medications within a healthcare facility. With HIMS, you can be sure that critical resources are always available. 

Hospital inventory software also helps streamline workflows, enhance patient care, avoid wastage or shortages, etc. Let’s talk about it in detail. 

The Benefits of Using a Hospital Inventory Management Software

Are you used to the traditional hospital inventory system and have doubts about whether you should switch to a more modern and progressive software? Rest assured, this solution can bring many benefits to your healthcare facility. 

Forget paper journals, spreadsheets with manual data entry, material issue cards, etc. Don’t miss a chance to make your business simpler, more efficient, and more profitable.

1. Optimize Costs

Using hospital inventory management software, your hospital can avoid the financial pitfalls of overstocking or underordering. The system helps maintain the perfect balance, minimize unnecessary spending, and free up funds for other essential services, for example, staff training programs or advanced medical technology development.  

2. Easily Find the Equipment You Need

Sometimes, employees spend a lot of time looking for the right equipment in the warehouse. The inventory system keeps a precise track of its location. Therefore, staff can quickly find what they need without delays. The more effective the service is, the more satisfied patients are.

Medical equipment

3. Increase Staff Efficiency

Make your team as productive as possible. Automate inventory management tasks and release healthcare professionals from time-consuming manual processes. Employees can dedicate more time to patient care and other essential tasks. It’s a win-win situation. The staff enjoys their work. Patients have a high level of service. Your business becomes more successful and profitable.

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4. Monitor the Equipment Condition 

All tools and machines you use at the hospital or have at the warehouse should be in optimal working order. You can monitor the equipment condition with inventory systems, react to failures and breakdowns in time, and schedule maintenance or replacements before the issue occurs.

5. Automate Data Entry

Automated data entry saves a lot of time, but it isn’t the only advantage. It also reduces the risk of human error. Moreover, you always have up-to-date information that is synchronized between all departments of a medical facility.

Medical stock data processing
Software tracks medical inventory and applies real-time updates to data, image source: ArbiMed.com

6. Purchase Consumables on Time

Imagine a situation where your medical center runs out of gloves, protective masks, bandages, or containers. An unpleasant situation you could avoid. The inventory software predicts when supplies run low and automatically initiates reorder processes. Consequently, you can be sure that consumables are always on hand when needed. 

7. Plan Supply Processes

The hospital inventory management system offers insights into supply usage patterns. You can use this information to plan and optimize delivery processes. Be sure that the facility operates smoothly and is prepared for regular demand and unforeseen emergencies.

8. Reduce Waste

Have you ever had to throw away expired medications or supplies? This problem is quite common. By tracking inventory and forecasting demand, your hospital can significantly reduce waste. The system gives information about what you have in sufficient quantity and what you need to order.

Custom vs. Out-of-the-Box Hospital Inventory Management Software

Using HIS is suited for public hospitals, private clinics, medical centers, laboratories, etc. You have the option of choosing custom hospital inventory management system development or using out-of-the-box software. Both solutions have their advantages.

Benefits of custom hospital inventory management software:

  • Perfectly fits your lab’s unique processes, workflows, and inventory types.
  • Can evolve with you, adding new features or adjusting existing ones.
  • It can be built to integrate seamlessly with other systems your lab uses.
  • It provides unique capabilities that are not available in commercial products.

Out-of-the-box software product advantages:

  • It can be deployed quickly.
  • It offers a budget-friendly option.
  • A system has been tested across a variety of settings.
  • Ongoing support and regular updates.

The choice between custom and out-of-the-box lab software depends on various factors, including budget, timeline, specific needs, and the capacity for ongoing maintenance and development. Consider these indicators and choose the best solution for your healthcare facility.

Out-Of-The-Box vs. Custom Software - what are the difference?
Out-Of-The-Box vs. Custom Software Development

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Key Features to Include in Your Hospital Inventory Management System

Do you know what the main advantage of modern software is? You can activate exactly those functions that are necessary for your business. There’s no need to pay for extra functionality you’ll never use. But let’s talk about the features almost every inventory management system should have.

Medication Management

It is a core component of HIS. The software tracks dosages, types, and medication levels in real-time. It facilitates the management of prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs. This way, you will be sure that the right medications are available when needed, without surplus, which leads to waste.

Equipment Management

How does the software track medical equipment? It can monitor the location, status, and availability of ventilators, MRI machines, defibrillators, etc. It is perfect when equipment is ready and operational exactly when you need it.

Supply Management

Effective supply management is the second crucial feature. The system should manage the lifecycle of medical supplies from ordering to usage. The essentials like syringes, gloves, and bandages must always be in stock. The HIM software also manages varied supply types, from disposables to reusable items.

Supply chain management in healthcare
Supply chain management for healthcare organizations, image source: workday.com

Expiration Tracking

The healthcare inventory management system can automatically monitor the expiration dates of medications and supplies. Staff get alerts to outdated items. This feature prevents the use of expired products and ensures compliance with health regulations.

Stock Tracking

Real-time stock tracking helps in maintaining optimal inventory levels. Using this feature, you can reduce the risk of stockouts or excess. Make quick adjustments to inventory based on usage trends.

Inventory Automation

Automation streamlines inventory management. The software automates routine tasks such as reordering based on predefined thresholds, reducing manual work and minimizing the risk of human error. 

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Notifications and Alerts

The hospital inventory system sends timely alerts to the right personnel. Any technical problems, system failures, or important messages are addressed precisely to those employees who are responsible for a specific aspect. Thus, issues are solved promptly and efficiently.

Inventory management alerts and notifications
Configurable Inventory Alerts, source: asapsystems.com

Security and Compliance 

With sensitive patient data and strict regulatory requirements, the software prioritizes security and compliance. This feature includes data encryption, access controls, and audit trails to ensure data integrity and confidentiality.

Audits and Reports

You can get comprehensive audits and use this information for decision-making and compliance. The HIM software generates detailed reports on inventory levels, usage patterns, and cost analysis. Identify cost-saving opportunities and optimize inventory management strategies more efficiently.

It’s Time to Re-Invent How You Manage Your Hospital’s Inventory

Don’t let manual processes, inefficiencies, and the constant threat of error hold you back. Embrace the future with a solution tailored to the unique needs of your healthcare facility.

Our team is ready to help you create a modern, intelligent hospital inventory management system that will transform your operations. It’s time to take the first step toward a more efficient, safer, and cost-effective future.

Contact us and let’s discuss the details!

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